Monday, March 7, 2011

Tis the season to be excited!!

Well hello everyone.

I thought that I would dedicate this post to the wonderful game of Rugby League seeing that the season is only three days away.

I suppose what I wanted to talk about is how the game has affected me as a fan and what I hold dear to my heart when I watch a game.

I started watching and being involved in Rugby League when I was just seven years old, growing up in Manly. At that time everyone you spoke to in Manly was into their footy and the kids I played with the most were Manly tragics. We lived on North Head at the army barracks and for anyone who's been there you'd know there is plenty of room to kick a footy. At the time my hero was Phil Blake and I used to pretend I was side stepping though mountains of defence as I ran down the road in my little Velcro sneakers.

When I turned eight we moved to the country, where there was still alot of interest in league, however there was also alot of emphasis on Aussie Rules and Cricket. Be that as it may, family weekends were always spent watching the League or out in the yard playing it.Dad being a Saints supporter and myself a Bulldogs supporter would sit glued to the t.v. both intently biting our nails as our teams fought it out. I would spend hours saving money for footy cards and stickers and too this day I can still remember the smell of the chewy that went with it.

State of Origin time was like Christmas with our presents being the kick off and opening fight to start the contest. The best of the best taking to the field and absolutely smashing the stuffing out of one another for 80 minutes. For me there has never been a better contest with State of Origin showing us the true gladiators of our time, risking injury for fame and glory. In a hundred years they will be talking about the toughness of these men and what they achieved in their sport.

Now there is a new era in our family as I watch my son grow and learn the game. He is a Loyal Knights supporter (Don't know where that came from) and starts playing in his local team this year, which also happens to be the Knights. I look forward to many a game on the couch, cheering and booing till we are red in the face.

I suppose when I think about League, I think about the wins and the loses, but also the enjoyment of sharing those moments with my mates and family. I guess sport for me is about family. For us it was always about getting in there and supporting your team no matter what anyone else thought of them, an even if you lost, you still kept your head up high.

If you haven't already got the bug then its hard to describe, every game I watch my team play is the same feeling you get in your guts when your riding a roller coaster, those wonderful butterflies.I think that this season will be a great one and with the off field incidents aside I think all league supporters have united to keep the game alive for years to come.

I know for me this season, it'll be hard to leave the fingernails alone.

Tell us what League means to you and Why your club will go all the way this season.


  1. You know you're a Rugby League fan when you see the playmaker smile as you're shouting for your team. When you know he's on your wavelength as he puts the fullback through that gap.

    You know you're a Rugby League fan when the AFL tragics try to call your colours 'Swan'. I say I see you're wearing 'turkey' once again. And laugh, then share a beer.

    You know you're a Rugby League fan when the Highway Patrol says "I see you're wearing RedV. Can you tell me please the full-time score?"

    You know you're a Rugby League fan when you walk into a pub. When you see a bunch of losers in the jerseys of another club. When you hear them call you over, saying "Have a beer with us."

    You know you're a Rugby League fan when your chin is in the dust. When the fellow next beside you says, "Bad luck. There's always next year huh?"

    You know you're a Rugby League fan when they're hoisting up the Cup. When it's been 31 long seasons, but they're lifting up the Cup!

  2. What an awesome comment Terry. That's the spirit we all share. Dragons will be once again hard to beat this year.

  3. For me rugby league was aways a passion growing up in Penrith in Sydneys West. I grew up playing rugby league with my brother Bob.
    2 Years out of school where I captained St Gregs Campbelltown I earned a sport in the Penrith First Grade side. I played there until 1987 when i made the decision to retire early.

    I returned to the panthers 2 years later as head coach. After 4 seasons of coching there I signed for the raiders.

    As you probably know they had an amazing squad at the time and the opportunity to coach the likes of Mal Meninga and Ricky Stuart was too good to pass up. I had also heard alot about the likes of young up and comers like Glenn Lazarus and Laurie Daley who debut while i was in my final coaching year at the Panthers. The year i started at the Raiders, young Ricky Stuart also burst into First Grade at the club.
    It was here that I enjoyed most of my success coaching 219 Games, contributing to the development of many future super stars and coaching New South Wales in State of Origin in 2001.

    I decided it was time for a sea change and a challenge when I signed up to coach the Cowboys in 97, however I didnt enjoy my time there but saw out my contract which ended in 2001.

    The year I started at North Queensland I was for a second time handed the role of New South Wales coach. After a year away from the game I returned in 03 to coach the Tigers. I now enter my 9th year as head coach and have never in my life worked with a better bunch of young men. 2005 was an amazing year for myself as it came at I time when i began to doubt my ability in coaching the modern game.

    Being chosen as the Australian coach in 2009 was a dream come true for me. I have always loved looking at the game from an analytical point of view and coaching the best national team in the world allowed me to do that to an extent which was unbelievable.

    Since then I know I have made mistakes, but we all do, and all along we have been working to the stage where we are now, and 2011 I expect to be one that lives long in my memory.

    As for what Rugby League means to me, I made my playing debut in 1970 and am coaching now. The only years I have had away was the year after my retirement, 1983, and the year between coaching Cowboys and Tigers, 2002. And of course I spent much of my days as a boy playing in junior competitions. I have spent my entire life involved in the game and the only thing in life that means more to me is my friends and loving family.

    Rugby League is something that will forever be a passion of mine and one day when my coaching days are over, I hope to continue to be involved in the game, if I am unable to gain an administrative role than I will support as enthusiastically as i possibly can.

  4. Thanks Tim you are and will continue to be one of the great champions of our great game. It's people like yourself that develop the superstars that we love to watch each week and for that we are greatful

  5. In my mind Mr T Sheens is the only SuperCoach,what he has done @ the WestsTigers is nothing short of amazing.Not to mention what he has done with the young boys turning them into men.Im sure alot of these kids will look back in 10 or so years and still appreciate what he has done for them.Thats one of the joys of Coaching,be it professional or amatuer.To improve ones skills and make them a better Human being.To be part of team,know their role in that team and to put that team before everything else on game day.
    Cant wait for Friday night kickoff,cant wait to get out there Monday n cheer my Team


    Ghost of Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen

  6. Hi Troy,
    Do you want to write an article about our new AFL app before the start of the 2011 season? is a live chat application where people can chat with their facebook and twitter friends live during the AFL games.

    If this is of interest to your readers shoot me an email and I’ll send you screenshots/backstory.


    Dean Collins
